Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today was our MLR. Next week it will moves back to Tuesday. I felt noticeably better today (than on Tuesday). Full disclosure: it was cooler today and I did not run on Wednesday due to laziness. Also, I brought a water bottle, 2 gels, and a set of thermolytes. Yes, I was ready for battle! The route today was a solid one -- started from BS, made our way to Lake Austin Blvd, took exposition to 35th, and made our way back to the TLBL Trail. That part put us at about 10ish. We got the extra 6 by heading toward Barton Hills for a loop which ended at the Springs. The run turned into a lively one during the last 6 miles. Not going to calculate the pace for that stretch, but the last two full miles were 637 and 618. Pretty decent. Not going to lie, I felt somewhat uncomfortable at times during the last 4-5 miles, but my breathing was pretty much in check the whole time. All told, 16.4 mile at a 7:25 pace.


  1. pretty amazing what a little bit of sugar can do for one while running, huh. guess you stopped listening to the coach and his antics about not fueling!
    smart man

  2. Yes! going to stick w/ the old adage, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
