Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The hiatus is over

Well, at least I hope it has ended.

It seems like it has been ages since I last wrote here, so here's quick summary of my not so eventful running life over the last 4 months.  July through Oct 25th, I continued with easy paced runs, 3-4 days per week.  My primary goal during this time period was to get where I could confidently run without any sort of pain.  In addition, and somewhat in the same vein, I wanted strengthen my lower abdominal and groin areas.  Slow, relaxed runs, in which I gradually increased the amount of time on my feet, were the constant call for the former and countless hours in the gym served as the framework for the latter.  I should go into more detail about what went into my comeback running and gym efforts, but will save those topics for a later date.

Moving along, I met up with Carmen Ayala-Troncoso's training group to resume training on October 25th.  Well, I should caveat the previous sentence, because my only training goal at this point to regain a level of fitness to train, if that makes sense.  I am definitely not training for a race in 2011.  I will run the remainder of the year with Carmen's group and hope to be shape to train/race in earnest come 1.1.2012.  That written, I may or may not run a time trial in the next few weeks to set a somewhat official fitness baseline.  Again, that is another post.

Speaking of Carmen, she has been great to-date.  The knowledge/wisdom she displayed over the last three weeks has really blown me away.  I am really happy to be part of her group.

Over & out until the next time.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Running is getting easier

Yep, it shore is.

Over the past couple of weeks, my body seems to have really acclimated to this running thing.  I am moving a little faster, more fluidly, and the mental confidence is increasing.  Aerobically, I still have work to do.  But that piece will come soon.

Ran three times this past week, and I hit the track after two of those runs to grab some drills/form running.  I am going to continue w/ the 3-a-week routine for the rest of the month and then reassess.  Stay tuned.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Google+ - How does it work?

Being new to social networking, I don't have the answer.  But - I will let you know once I do. :-)

Monday, June 20, 2011

7.5 months since the pubic stress fracture diagnosis

I have been meaning to revive the blog, but, hmm, just have not had the motivation.  Let's see if I can get back into the blog-a-logging.

Where did I leave off?  Don't remember and not really important, but I am sure enough "back to running."  Only two days a week, however, both of those days have been pain free to date.  Yesh!  This past Saturday I ran for an hour, make that 56 min to be precise, and 3/4 of the time I was on the Barton Creek Greenbelt (gasp!).   Great times!

So - I am going to finish out the month w/ the twice a week routine, and in July, we shall see if the ole bones can handle an additional day.  I like my odds.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Running update

On Saturday, I ran one mile - continuous.  Nothing hurt during, but I was a little achy in the groin afterward.  Today, I ran for 10 min.  No issues at all - well, except some lower back pain from pwr cleans and core work yesterday.   I even passed what I call the "squeeze test" post-run.  That is, putting something like a TP block between the legs and doing 10 reps of "squeezing both legs together for one sec and then release." FYI, the groin pain has been the slowest thing to heal, and as of a couple weeks ago, it even seems to have mostly dissipated. Digression, I do believe I will take it!

The slow, methodical recovery comeback forges on...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Da Bike

  1. Disk brakes
  2. Upgraded pedals w/ clips as of 4/8
  3. Source of numerous recent bodily scrapes and bruises
  4. More to come I'm sure...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rockhopper cont...

I had a purty good time riding the mtn bike on the maiden greenbelt ride.  So much so, I went out and bought one of my own a couple weeks later - a Specialized Rockhopper.

First real ride on it, Muz and I left his crib and headed to the Barton Springs trailhead entrance.  We rode for about 2 hours.  Lots of fun lemme tell you.

Second ride - I left my place and headed back to the Wildflower Preserve greenbelt (GB) entrance (intersection of Repub of TX and Travis Country).  My primary goal w/ this ride was to explore the diff trails in the immediate area.  I was relatively successful, figured out where several shorter trails led.  But I did not make it down to the Barton Creek bed.  I did however manage to throw myself over the handle-bars of my bike (about 10 ft).  To add insult to injury as I headed home, I hit root at a slow speed, came to an abrupt stop, and fell off to the right side of the bike.  The first fall hurt like hell; the second, was just sorta embarrassing.  Oh well, crashing a mtn bike is just part of the learning process I reckon. 

Third ride, I took off from my place thinking to look for another trail entrance, but after riding for a few min, I decided to head back to the good ole WP trailhead entrance.  No wrecks the first half of the ride and I made down the the creek bed. The WP trail intersected w/ the south bank of Barton Creek, and I could not decide which way to go.  Thought for a min, and I decided to head East. As I was riding next to this...rocky wall (which I presume had been washed out over the years from high waters), I lost control when I hit some rocks.  Before i could hit the brakes all the way, I came to an abrupt stop when my rt shoulder hit part of the rocky wall that jutted out.  I can now confirm that the shoulder does not function well as brake.  Who knew?   I had to get off the bike for about 5 min to walk the aforementioned lil mishap off, cuz I felt nauseous for a few min right after.  Once I gathered my faculties, I decided to head west instead (heh!).  I rode for about 15 more min and then decided to head home.  A decent 2 hour ride, but the last hour really sucked cuz my freaking shoulder was a throbbin.  Once I made it home, I washed up the wound, cleaned up, and treated myself to a good 30 min of ice pack time.  Good times.

I do believe I need to be a little more risk averse on the bike in the future.  Let's see how this plays out...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Rockhopper

So...I have picked up a new hobby.  Mountain biking.  And I must say - it is pretty furking awesome. 

I moved to a new apt a few weeks ago, and it just so happens there are a couple of mtn bikes that the complex has for resident use.  Also, this apt is near the greenbelt (think Travis Country). 

After I got moved in, I decided to grab one of the bikes and take it for a spin.  I found a trail entrance near the Republic of TX Blvd and Travis Country Cir intersection.  Pretty neat little trail.   I went down it for about 30 min and then headed back.  I almost busted my ass a few times, but no real falls.  My helmet did however keep me from knocking myself out when my head hit a tree branch.  Gotta be more careful.

To be continued...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Power day at the gym

Solid strength workout today at the gym - I have come a long way since Jan 1 2011 (when I started up this new approach):

  • Partial Musal warm-up routine:  high knees, lateral shuffle, karaoke, butt kicks, lateral bounds, and bear crawl
  • pwr clean 4x6 - 135, 165, 165, 185
  • prisoner squat facing the wall 1 x 12
  • squats 4x6 - 135, 185, 205, 225
  • pull-ups - 6 reps @ bodyweight, 4 reps + 10lb, 4 reps + 20lb, 4 reps + 25lb, and 7 reps @ bodyweight
  • lunges 2x10 with 70 lbs
  • burpee-to-pike w/ pull-up bar - 1 x 12
  • bench 4x6 - 135, 165, 185, 205, 225 (4 reps just for the hell of it)
  • dips 2 x 12 - bodyweight only
  • and about 4 more core exercises that can't really name/describe

Like I initially mentioned, a pretty good day at the office.  The only exercise that even remotely bothered my injury areas was the lunge movement, but even that lift/move seems to hurts less every time I do it.  Happy and content with where I am at this point...

PS, the run/walk on Wed went very well also.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pretty much done w/ this walking business

I just finished grounding and centering in hopes of having an epic last session of "walking on the treadmill."  After I finish this post, it is off to the gym to gitter done.  I will prob add some core and multi-hip machine exercises too.   

Back to that treadmill walking, let me tell you, that shit can be tough.  At Golds, they have these treadmills that go up to a 31% grade.  There is a 30 min workout that has an indiv do like 20 or 25 min of climbing at 21% or greater. I tried doing that madness last week, and um....I would rather run Mt Bonnell repeats any day of the week than have to endure 20 min of that max cardio workout or whatever it is called.  I labeled it the calf killer...but then again, I admit I am somewhat of a baby at times. So take the aforementioned for what you will...

Anywho - after I pass "Go" with regard to the walking phase - I reckon I am going to do some sort of walk/run on Wed.  Still thinking on what to do exactly, but make no mistake, whatever it is will involve WINNING!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Two weeks of elliptical - CHECK!

I did not encounter any pain related issues during the elliptical sessions.  I could tell I was really out of shape after I finished the first one a couple weeks ago, but I felt quit swell after 40 min yesterday evening.  Now it is time tackle two weeks of walking, which should be interesting.  Is walking even real exercise?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pubic Stress Fracture - The latest from the Doc

I went to see Dr. Hutchens for a follow-up appt last Monday (3.5 months since the inj).  Before I went in, I thought I was going to get the go ahead to continue w/ the run walks.  But then the Doc asked me to lay down and he put his thumb to the right side of my pubic bone.  Sharp pain!  He said, "That's still a little tender, huh?"  "Yep," I replied.  The left side was the same.

After the quick exam, he told me I seemed to be coming along pretty good.  Then he gave me instructions for the next 6 weeks:  2 weeks of elliptical, 2-3 weeks of treadmill walking (up to 45 min), and then 2-3 weeks of run/walks (gradually increasing in distance).  During this 6-8 week time period, he wanted me to be sure to work out on the multi-hip machine a few times a week to wake-up the adductors, hip flexors, abductors, and hammies.    No need to return to his office, "just listen to my body and don't overdo it."  Yessir!

So this week I hit up the elliptical on 3 separate occasions and actually went for 30 min yesterday. I am so out of shape, but it's all good, especially since I have done zero cardio since November.  On the other hand, I am getting "strong like bull" w/ the weights and resistance exercises.  I keep this up - I am going to come out of this deal stronger, wiser, and more physically balanced than when I got hurt.  Funny how that works...

Friday, February 18, 2011

New Boston Marathon Qualifying Standards - 2012, 2013, and beyond

The new standards can be found here - future Boston marathon qualification and registration.  I for one favor the new standards.  With the rolling wave registration, there are now basically provisional qualifying times and automatic times (20 min faster).  This announcement certainly makes me excited to train and qualify for the "A standard."  My take is the new standards add a little more allure and competition to the event for the civilian runner.  But that's just me.

What say you?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day 2011

From the balcony

NE view

 No luck getting up the hill on Alpine Drive

 Heading to Ruta Maya for some coffees

 Biking on snow/ice - how does it work?


The impassable hill ~ Alpine in Austin

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Back at the Gym

I hit a little snag at the end of last week.  Thurs/Fri I came down w/ a pretty nasty Flu-ish like bug.  I pretty much did not feel like doing anything for almost 4 days. Though, I did manage to hit up a couple solid gym workouts last Wed/Thurs before illness struck.  Yesterday, I made it back to Gold's for a workout...

warm-up on the bike - 5 min
pull-ups - 3 x 5
Alternating pwr clean, clean/press - 3 x 8 (135 lbs)
squats - 3 x 10 (135, 155, 165)
bench - 3 x 10 (135, 155, 165)
lunges - 3 x 10 (60 lbs)
hanging leg raises - 1 x 15
crunches - 2 x 15
lying leg raises -  1 x 15 sec, 1 x 15 rep
ab roller to full ext - 2 x 6
compound "Curl to Mil Press to Tricep Ext" - 3 x 10 (20 lb dumbell)
Multi-Hip Machine (adduct/abduct) - 2 x 10 (30 lbs)

A good workout.  I was a little achy in the left groin afterward (primarily from the lunges).  But today I feel fine.  Also, all the exercises I do feel better (ie, cause less discomfort) on subsequent iterations.  Guessing that is a good thing.  I may go for a little outdoors run/walk this weekend once it warms up. Looking forward to it...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Gettin Swole @ Gold's Gym

I went to the Gold's gym on Hwy 71 w/ Ms. Yan on Sunday.  Pretty badass gym - this gym has every piece of equip you can imagine and then some.  I admit, I was sorta in heaven.

We did not stay too long but here's what I did:
3x5 pullups + 1x15 assisted
3x8 clean/press @ 115lbs
3x10 squat @ 115, 135, 155
3x10 bench @ 155
played on a few ab machines (worthless!)
did a few sets on the adductor/abductor machines (good rehab machines)

I keep this up, I may enter the Crossfit Games instead of the Congress Ave Mile.  Heh, heh...


Friday, January 21, 2011

Man, I am getting close

I figured I would check in w/ where I am in the rehab/recovery process - pubic stress fractures and osteitis pubis. The end of next week will mark approx 3 months of R&R.  Yesterday, I had to go back and look at the blog to determine when the rest period started.  I read this post - http://feet2thestreet.blogspot.com/2010/11/feeling-pretty-good.html  & got a hearty laugh.  At that time, I was hellbent and determined to be running again sometime in Dec - evening stating, "I was much better."  Haha, silly me.  Fortunately, I found something else to occupy my time in Nov/Dec and was able to use the downtime in a productive fashion.  In addition, tack on a nice little vacation in Dec, the Christmas Holidays, and a few weeks back at the workplace; and bam, I can see the light at the end of the recovery tunnel.  I think!

Today, most of the aches and pains I have experienced since the injury are gone or are mostly gone.  I know - broken record to an extent.  There are two pains I still get:  off-center lower ab pain with a sneeze and moderate goin pain when I squeeze something between my legs.  Last week, out of nowhere, I sneezed a couple times and had no pain at all.  I was shocked and relieved because I have had "sneezing abdominal pains" since...May 2009 (wow).  This week, though, I have had slight pain w/ some sneezes.  The groin pain is also much better, but there is still some pain when I squeeze/adduct with the left leg.  All this yada-yada to say I know I am not quite there yet.

So what is the plan? I am not completely sure; the situation is "fluid" if you will.  I do know I can run short distances.  And I am thinking to do some short run/walks in a week and half.  But I am still wishy-washy on whether I am truly ready.  Right now, I am leaning towards going for it.  However, the time may come, and my mind could change (if things don't feel right).  Until then...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cautiously Optimistic

I suppose the slow methodical comeback has begun.  I am not running regular anything, but I am working out daily and seem be getting 'stronger' by the day...

Let's see, since I wrote last, I have only swam once, but I have hit up the stationary bike a few times and, gasp, have even done a couple run/walk sessions on the treadmill.  No pain during any of the above activities, though, my left side did feel a little weak (at times when I ran the first time a week ago).  Today, the left side seemed stronger.  That's about all I can ask for at this point - steady improvement.

On the gym (weight front), I have decided to change up my routine a bit.  I am going to move to regimen mainly focused on exercises with multiple movements and lifting heavier weights.  Don't ask me why, I just decided the other day to improve my overall strength.  So far, so good - let's hope I can stay on that forward path.