Friday, August 7, 2009

Something new...Hill Mechanics

Rumor 'round the water cooler was that we were going to do some hill repeats. It turned out to be something like that, but not exactly what one might expect. We ran about 5.5 miles to East Windsor Road (think Pease Park). Once there, we were at the bottom of a .25 mile hill. We were to run up the hill with an exaggerated running form (think 'high knee' form running). The only thing was we were to keep our torso completely upright (I.E., don't lean into the hill). Once at the top we were to jog back down, and then head back up. Once up the 2nd time, were to run a .5 mile loop at tempo pace and then jog back down the hill. And that was set #1. We did two sets. Afterward, we had about a 4 mile cool down back to the Springs.

This wasn't a tough workout, but was indeed fun. I'm sure the workout next week will be tougher so i guess i should be happy. ;-)

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