Monday, March 22, 2010

Ain't over just yet

This morning I was feeling pretty good, thus, I decided to sorta repeat the test I did yesterday. Except today I went to an area where I had 60-80 meters of runway. I got in a good 6 strides. Not too fast, but not too slow either. The results? I did much better than yesterday, and even better, I was not in much pain after the fact. With that, I am planning to try a sustained short run tomorrow to really test things out. Doing so should give me a decent idea of where I stand from a recovery perspective. Not near out of the woods yet, but if (and that is a big "if") I can maintain tomorrow, I may be able to salvage something in the form of a race on 4-19.


  1. Shouldn't be doing strides wo easy 20-30 min wu. Esp with an injury. Sounds like you are ready for an easy hour jog. That will be a real test.

  2. yessir! i actually worded it wrong. it would be more accurate describe them as 60-80 meter jogs. :-)
