Saturday, January 2, 2010

A long one in the books

i was a little antsy about going 24 today. in the past, i've felt a noticeable difference ( read, more difficult). a couple miles into the run, though, i could tell my legs had recovered nicely, and as a result, the miles just clicked off one by one. before i really new it, we were half way through. then around 15, mr. musal decided to pick it up a little. i would later find out that he just wanted to be sure he didn't slow me down. haha, because i could feel it (not it a good way) when he dropped us from 710s to 645s; however, after 10-15 minutes, the ole legs adjusted. we cruised it on in the last 10 and ended up finishing the 24 miler in 250.50. i had to look at the gremlin (i.e., garmin) to figure out that that equated to a 707 pace, but muz knew the avg before i did via calculating it in his head. he is such a nerd. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. :) You guys should have come to Bastrof, beautiful place. I have the same issue of getting warmed up, we should talk to Sisson bout it, I think there was something we should do before the run but I forgot what it was...
