Monday, January 24, 2011

Gettin Swole @ Gold's Gym

I went to the Gold's gym on Hwy 71 w/ Ms. Yan on Sunday.  Pretty badass gym - this gym has every piece of equip you can imagine and then some.  I admit, I was sorta in heaven.

We did not stay too long but here's what I did:
3x5 pullups + 1x15 assisted
3x8 clean/press @ 115lbs
3x10 squat @ 115, 135, 155
3x10 bench @ 155
played on a few ab machines (worthless!)
did a few sets on the adductor/abductor machines (good rehab machines)

I keep this up, I may enter the Crossfit Games instead of the Congress Ave Mile.  Heh, heh...


Friday, January 21, 2011

Man, I am getting close

I figured I would check in w/ where I am in the rehab/recovery process - pubic stress fractures and osteitis pubis. The end of next week will mark approx 3 months of R&R.  Yesterday, I had to go back and look at the blog to determine when the rest period started.  I read this post -  & got a hearty laugh.  At that time, I was hellbent and determined to be running again sometime in Dec - evening stating, "I was much better."  Haha, silly me.  Fortunately, I found something else to occupy my time in Nov/Dec and was able to use the downtime in a productive fashion.  In addition, tack on a nice little vacation in Dec, the Christmas Holidays, and a few weeks back at the workplace; and bam, I can see the light at the end of the recovery tunnel.  I think!

Today, most of the aches and pains I have experienced since the injury are gone or are mostly gone.  I know - broken record to an extent.  There are two pains I still get:  off-center lower ab pain with a sneeze and moderate goin pain when I squeeze something between my legs.  Last week, out of nowhere, I sneezed a couple times and had no pain at all.  I was shocked and relieved because I have had "sneezing abdominal pains" since...May 2009 (wow).  This week, though, I have had slight pain w/ some sneezes.  The groin pain is also much better, but there is still some pain when I squeeze/adduct with the left leg.  All this yada-yada to say I know I am not quite there yet.

So what is the plan? I am not completely sure; the situation is "fluid" if you will.  I do know I can run short distances.  And I am thinking to do some short run/walks in a week and half.  But I am still wishy-washy on whether I am truly ready.  Right now, I am leaning towards going for it.  However, the time may come, and my mind could change (if things don't feel right).  Until then...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cautiously Optimistic

I suppose the slow methodical comeback has begun.  I am not running regular anything, but I am working out daily and seem be getting 'stronger' by the day...

Let's see, since I wrote last, I have only swam once, but I have hit up the stationary bike a few times and, gasp, have even done a couple run/walk sessions on the treadmill.  No pain during any of the above activities, though, my left side did feel a little weak (at times when I ran the first time a week ago).  Today, the left side seemed stronger.  That's about all I can ask for at this point - steady improvement.

On the gym (weight front), I have decided to change up my routine a bit.  I am going to move to regimen mainly focused on exercises with multiple movements and lifting heavier weights.  Don't ask me why, I just decided the other day to improve my overall strength.  So far, so good - let's hope I can stay on that forward path.