Thursday, August 27, 2009


Coach calls them diagonal 200s. Run a 200 on the track, recover across the field, and repeat. We did 12 of them at 5k-10k pace. Mine ranged from 42-44 seconds, though, almost all of them were 43. Very easy workout (which it was supposed to be) -- 7.5 miles total.

The Saturday workout was amended just slightly:

1.5M Warm-Up to Anderson High Track
1M Build to Top Speed (ie 400 at 10K then each 400 faster until you are as fast as you can go for the mile)
2M Recovery
5M @ MGP w/ 3-5 min recovery (Start where you stopped)
4M @ MGP
5M Hills (EASY!)
10K Continuous Progression Run on Austin High Track (20.15)
2M @ MGP
2M @ 10K (26.15)
Cool down Back to Barton Springs (27.5)

Why don't we go ahead and label my mgp for this workout 6:45-6:50. Done!

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