Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Back at the Gym

I hit a little snag at the end of last week.  Thurs/Fri I came down w/ a pretty nasty Flu-ish like bug.  I pretty much did not feel like doing anything for almost 4 days. Though, I did manage to hit up a couple solid gym workouts last Wed/Thurs before illness struck.  Yesterday, I made it back to Gold's for a workout...

warm-up on the bike - 5 min
pull-ups - 3 x 5
Alternating pwr clean, clean/press - 3 x 8 (135 lbs)
squats - 3 x 10 (135, 155, 165)
bench - 3 x 10 (135, 155, 165)
lunges - 3 x 10 (60 lbs)
hanging leg raises - 1 x 15
crunches - 2 x 15
lying leg raises -  1 x 15 sec, 1 x 15 rep
ab roller to full ext - 2 x 6
compound "Curl to Mil Press to Tricep Ext" - 3 x 10 (20 lb dumbell)
Multi-Hip Machine (adduct/abduct) - 2 x 10 (30 lbs)

A good workout.  I was a little achy in the left groin afterward (primarily from the lunges).  But today I feel fine.  Also, all the exercises I do feel better (ie, cause less discomfort) on subsequent iterations.  Guessing that is a good thing.  I may go for a little outdoors run/walk this weekend once it warms up. Looking forward to it...


  1. Dang good stuff man, you just gave me some inspiration to go to Gold's tonight...
