Yesterday, I didn't get up to run. Could give some excuses, but let's just say I simped it. Done.
Today, was much better all around. I logged 12 miles this morning with the group. In the evening, I headed down to SoCo gym for the weight/running routine. Kamran and Niccole happened to meet me down there; I didn't expect to see either of them based on previous conversations. Pleasant surprise. Anyway, I was planning to get 6 miles on my own, and when I met up with them, neither was too enthused about going that distance. I tried to talk Kamran into going 4, but as expected, he wasn't budging. I can't blame him; if I had an ache/pain, I would have the same mindset. Cutting to the chase, I ended up logging 5 miles. The run wasn't bad, but my legs did not feel so responsive the the last 10 minutes of the run. But I guess that is sorta to be expected -- 17 miles for the day.
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not a bad day. you shoulda gone ahead and done 10 in the evening too. I guess their is time for that..